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Homemade Laundry Detergent - Pass or Fail?


Lately, I've been online a lot less and doing a lot more! (I sound like a Home Depot commercial). I haven't even been able to keep up with reading any of the blogs that I love, which is a bummer. There are so many projects in the works that are almost done and I just can't wait to show you! Including the first installment of the girls' bedroom progress. Yay! :)

One of the things I tried this past week was homemade laundry detergent. A friend of mine told me about this recipe a few months back. I started running low on the Gain that I had been using, so I decided that there is no time like the present to give it a try.

Source: via Lisa on Pinterest

The recipe I started with was from the Duggar Family found here. (I love them!)
Ingredient List:
4  Cups - hot tap water
1  Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax

I had trouble locating the Super Washing Soda locally and I'm too impatient to order online and wait. So I searched and googled for alternatives and found that baking soda is in the same family as washing soda, only with a lower PH. I read in several places that you can change the PH of baking soda and essentially turn it into washing soda by heating it above the boiling point. I also read that OxiClean has both Borax and washing soda in it. So here's what I did to alter the recipe and make it work for what I had on hand:

I boiled a saucepan of water and added 1 cup of baking soda. Warning: use a large pot with a lot of extra room when boiling the water. When you add the baking soda it will foam up before settling and if you don't allow room, this could happen! :/
On the plus side, after scrubbing off the baking soda and soap from my stove-top, it's never looked cleaner! :)

I then added this mixture to the large gallon mixture which contained all the other ingredients. I also added 1 cup of OxiClean to the overall large mixture. 
I followed the rest of the recipe instructions exactly as listed. It required me to let it sit overnight (a test for my impatience), so I gave it a try the next day.

Verdict: FAIL for my recipe alteration, and undetermined on the real recipe. 

Lesson learned: sometimes it's not worth it to try and find a shortcut. It didn't gel like it was supposed to, and when I washed the puppy's bed, it didn't come out smelling fresh enough for my standards. I haven't given up, however! I'll be trying out the true unaltered recipe using the super washing soda and will let you know of my results. (Crossing my fingers.)

Lots of love,


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