Adi and Gabby's room is coming together, although slower than expected. I was able to get a HUGE part completed this past weekend -- the painting and setting up of their beds. To see the original inspiration and planning for this room, click here.
Introducing the headboards:
And here's a before shot:
The base was done with two coats of Annie Sloan Old White followed by AS Clear Wax. I then chose a simple damask image from a google search and printed it out onto basic copy paper in the desired size. And again for the monogram, I typed out my desired font and sizes, then printed onto copy paper.
I used a simple method that has been showcased here before. Using a ballpoint pen, firmly trace your image or letters onto the piece. You'll notice on the left side of the above photo, you can see where a faint visible line has been indented onto the furniture piece. This will allow you to paint inside the lines with a fine brush and achieve a close match to your printed image/font. Note: After painting the pink damask design, I brushed and buffed with a coat of wax before beginning the monogram letters.
I then sealed the design with another coat of clear wax and buffed smooth. I really enjoyed this project and I'm hoping that my girls will enjoy the design for many years to come!
Lots of love,
linked up here:

Those little girls should fee like Princesses with their lovely room! I love the monogram Mary!
~Auntie V
Oh my goodness, so cute!!
Love love love....seriously....miss you guys :). Kel
These are seriously so cute. They look like something that would cost a fortune at Pottery Barn.