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Ammo crates!

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A few months ago, I scored the biggest truck load of goods from Craigslist ever recorded in history. Introducing the vintage ammo crates:

I was so excited! Can you believe the old owners were trying to get rid of them as firewood?!?! I can't even imagine the sight of one of these beauties burning. I can hardly wait to make something with them, but that will have to wait for now since I don't yet own a power saw of any kind. I'm thinking that I could make a sofa table or maybe a side table on casters.

I've stacked them three-high to use as a side table for now. And the rest have been posted to Craigslist here for sale (saving some for myself of course).

I just love the weathered wood. And the stamped marking on the side is perfection!

They even have a sturdy lid with lots of storage room. Surprisingly, the internal wood was preserved well due to cardboard pieces that were left inside.

Thanks for joining me! Stay tuned, tomorrow is the big reveal for the buffet and hutch set I've been working on. I still need a name for the piece, but I'm sure it will come to me once I get the hardware on and start taking photos.

Lots of love,

Linking up here:
Cherished Treasures”=


  1. Anonymous
  2. BinaryWanderer666
  3. Hakan19
  4. RocketVoyager777
  5. NebulaSorcererXY123456789OI
  6. F6A14Kristin9449C
  7. Anonymous

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